martes, 28 de diciembre de 2021


EDITORS NOTE: Graphic content / This picture taken on December 26, 2021 along a beach in Qasr Khiyar, about 70 kilometres east of Libya's capital, shows the bodies of migrants who were found ashore after drowning at sea. - The bodies of 28 migrants have washed up on Libya's western coast after their boat sunk, a security official said Sunday, the latest tragedy on the world's deadliest migration route. (Photo by Mahmud TURKIA / AFP)
Cuerpos de migrantes ahogados, en la costa de Libia.AFP

Los naufragios en el Mediterráneo agitan el debate migratorio europeo


Italia reclama a la UE acciones conjuntas sin obtener resultados tras pagar millones a los guardacostas libios, acusados de violar derechos

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